Helping Teens thrive online FAO Parents or Guardians of  pre-teen children, Adults interested in a genera img



The online enrolment process for our 1st Year Class of 2025/2026 closed on Friday 15th November.

If you have any queries please contact the school office by emailing your query to or calling: 094 9860010

Office Hours: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Click on video link
to take a tour of St. Nathy's.

Enrolment Closed

Information Leaflets

Before making your subject choices, please take the time to read the attached information leaflets which will give you an insight into each subject and how it will be assessed.

Subject Choice Video

We appreciate the making decisions on subject choice is difficult, especially without the opportunity to speak to teachers directly. Please view this short video by Alison Beirne & Karen Healy our guidance counsellors which outlines in greater detail what you can hope to study in each subject.

Junior Cycle Option Subject Videos

A password is required to view these videos.
If you do not have the required password please contact the school office.

(094) 98 60010 or

Frequently Asked Questions.........

The school day begins at 8:57am. and ends at 3:55 pm. Monday to Thursday with morning break from 11.05am to 11.20am and lunch break is from 1:20 pm. to 1:55 pm. On Friday the school day is from 8.57am to 1.30pm with one 25 min break during the day.

The Department of Education has introduced a new Junior Cycle Book scheme. This means that all school books will be provided free of charge to Junior Cycle students. This will remove the cost from families of funding school books for the three years of Junior Cycle. The Junior Cycle Book Scheme will include all workbooks, core classroom resources e.g. copies, dictionaries, log tables etc and one  school diary per student

Once you complete your application form please ensure that you save it and record their first 3 subject choice preferences. Parents/guardians will receive an email in June to let you know if their son/daughter received their first 3 preferences. Due to the constraints of timetabling it may happen that a small number of students may not receive all of their first 3 preferences and in such circumstances they will be allocated to a subject in line with their preferences and subject availability. 

If they change their mind before the school commences then please email outlining the reasons for their change of mind and if it is possible to accommodate this change within the constraints of the timetable we will let you know.

A minimum number of changes may be possible for students who wish to alter their subject choices. Such changes, if possible (and then only with the permission of the Guidance Teacher and the subject teachers concerned), will be accommodated in mid-September. Until that time students are expected to attend the classes assigned to them on their timetable. Under no circumstances can a student change from their specified classes without consultation. Students will only be allowed to move class once they follow the procedure of, completion of a subject change form, signed by parent/guardian, submitted to the Deputy Principal and reviewed by the career guidance teacher. The request will be subject to adherence to these guidelines as well as space being available within the requested class.

The Principal/Deputy Principal/Year Head and teachers are available for a meeting by appointment only. If you wish to request a meeting with any of them, please phone the school office and leave your name as well as the general reason for the meeting. If you have a concern regarding a teacher or school regulation, discuss it first with the teacher concerned. If the matter is not resolved, it should then be referred to the Principal. Parents have a right to refer the issue to the Board of Management if they fail to resolve their problem. There must be a clear understanding by all parties attending a meeting that the purpose of every meeting is to bring about a resolution of issues raised and therefore, every meeting must be conducted in a cordial and courteous climate.

Admission Notice

Admissions Policy

Attendance Policy

Uniform Policy

Behaviour Policy

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